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Despite the end of the pandemic, the Philippines’ online job market continues to flourish as demand for Filipino remote contractors grows.

Aside from this, many Filipinos are switching to home-based online work after experiencing the benefits first-hand during the pandemic.

In-demand online jobs today include data entry encoders, virtual assistants, software developers, social media
managers, and customer service specialists.

This increase in remote work opportunities helps improve the country’s employment rates and income levels, creating new business opportunities and boosting the Philippines’ economic growth.

So, how can you be part of this rapidly evolving industry?

How to Find Online Jobs That Suit Your Skills?

With so many online jobs available today, which ones should you apply to? Here are some ways to help you choose one that matches your skills:

Self-Assessment Techniques to Identify Your Core Skills

The first step in determining the best online job is evaluating yourself.

Self-assessment helps you better understand your strengths and weaknesses, celebrate previous successes, and set future goals.Here are some typical self-assessment techniques online job seekers use:

Reflection: Self-reflection involves looking back on your previous experiences, both in your career and personal life, and
identifying the tasks you excelled at or enjoyed while considering the feedback you received from your co-workers and supervisors.

Skills Inventory: Create a list of skills you gained from when you were a student up to the ones you learned from your previous jobs. Afterwards, categorize them between technical skills (work-related skills) and soft skills (how effectively you interact with others and handle situations).

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis: This helps you identify and analyze your internal strengths and weaknesses and the external opportunities and threats you face today.

Goal Setting: This involves defining your short and long-term goals, the skills you need to achieve them, and your current
proficiency levels.

Personality and Strengths Assessment: Tests such as the
Myers-Briggs, DISC, and StrengthsFinder help you identify your
personality traits and how they relate to your skills.

Understanding the Philippine’s Remote Job Market’s Demand for Skill

Aside from knowing your proficiencies, it’s also crucial to learn which skills are in demand today to get hired.

Currently, in-demand skills in the Philippines’ remote job market include:

  • Coding skills
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Office Apps
  • Writing skills
  • Data entry and typing skills
  • IT support and networking
  • Skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Digital Marketing
  • Customer service skills
  • Graphic Design
  • Lead Generation
  • Cybersecurity Awareness
  • English Proficiency

Employers are also looking for soft skills like:

  • Leadership
  • Communication skills
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Adaptability
  • Autonomy
  • Team collaboration in a remote setup

These skills are crucial to helping you gain an edge over other applicants in today’s increasingly competitive work

Competition is especially stiff since former office workers who’ve experienced the benefits of an online work from home setup are now looking for legit online jobs.

However, note that the demand for these skills can change over time.

Breaking Down Job Requirements

Want to know if a job listing suits your skill set? Here are some things you should look into before sending your application:

Analyzing Job Descriptions: Identifying Key Skills and Qualifications

The job description lists down everything your potential employer is looking for in an applicant so you can tailor your resume accordingly.

That said, don’t get overly focused on meeting every requirement in the job description.

One common misconception is that you need to have all the required skills mentioned in the job description to qualify.

This isn’t true.

If you meet 60-70% of the core requirements for the job, you’ll still have a good chance of getting hired.

Look for phrases like: “required skills,” “key qualifications,” or “qualifications and experience” when assessing your
suitability. Remember to check if the role requires any educational qualifications and certifications as well.

Some job descriptions may include a section highlighting your potential employer’s preferred or desired qualifications. These may not be mandatory, but having them significantly increases your chances of getting hired.

Understanding the Cultural and Communication Expectations in Remote Roles

Thanks to online work, you can now work with foreign clients and teams, especially Western ones, from the comforts of your home.

However, this does come with the challenge of bridging the cultural and linguistic gap between you and your client.

Fortunately, our proficiency in the English language and familiarity with Western culture enable us to effectively
communicate with our clients and avoid misunderstandings.

That said, watch out for nuances too. There’s American English, but there’s also British and Australian English, each with its vernacular that may be unfamiliar to you.


Evaluate Your Skill Sets According to Job Requirements

After analyzing and understanding the requirements for the online job you’re applying for, how do your skills stack up? Here are some ways to help you assess whether you’re up to the task:

Identifying Your Strengths and Areas for Improvement

As always, start by determining the areas you currently excel at -and which ones you need to improve on.

The best way to achieve this is through honest self-reflection and soliciting constructive feedback from your previous managers and co-workers.

Which activities do you do well and enjoy doing? Are there areas you struggle with? If so, what steps have you done to address these?

These are just some questions you can use to help you determine whether a particular online job suits you.

Tools and methods for self-assessment

It’s not easy to find your strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes, we have biases and blind spots that hinder our ability to assess ourselves accurately.

This way, you can use structured tools and methods for objective insights into areas of improvement and opportunities for growth.

Here are some you can use:

Personality Tests

In remote work, employers seek candidates with both the right skills and compatible traits for virtual collaboration.

Thus, personality tests can help assess your strengths and weaknesses for an online job. Examples of online tools you can use are as follows:

Myer-Briggs Type Indicator

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely used personality assessment tool that categorizes individuals into 16 personality types. It helps you understand your strengths and communication styles. With this, you can tailor-fit your application depending on how your personality aligns with your potential client.

Strengths Finder

Also known as CliftonStrengths, Strengths Finder is designed to identify an individual’s top 5 strengths among 34 possible ones.

By understanding and leveraging your top strengths, you can present a more comprehensive and tailored picture of your abilities that align with the specific requirements of the job.

This can be valuable for your cover letters, resumes, and interviews.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter is a self-assessment tool that groups individuals into four
categories based on psychological temperament: Artisan, Guardian, Rational, and Idealist.

It helps you understand your working style and communication preferences, which are handy for collaborating with your colleagues.

The results can help simulate how you can handle specific situations in an online setup.

This can be valuable for your cover letters, resumes, and interviews.

Skills Assessment Platform

Next, you want to demonstrate that you have the skills for the job. Depending on your industry, there are multiple skills assessment platforms you can use.

Here are some of the most notable ones:

LinkedIn Skill Assessment

LinkedIn Skill Assessment is a free resource that allows users to validate their skills. It offers
assessments in marketing, project management, software development, and more.

Afterwards, you can add the results to your LinkedIn profiles to add credibility.


Skillmeter is a helpful tool that evaluates your skills for online job applications.

It offers customizable tests in 90 different skills like coding and language proficiency.

The results provide concrete evidence of your abilities, enhancing your job applications.


If you’re in the field of web development, you can use Codility to assess your coding skills.

It offers various coding tasks and tests simulating realistic scenarios and coding environments.

It even has automated coding assessments and detailed performance reports you can use in your online job applications.

Other than the ones above, aptitude tests differ in various industries. So, it’s best to check other platforms that might be more relevant for you.

Applying for Online Jobs at Home

So now that you’ve assessed your skills, you can apply to potential home-based jobs in the Philippines.

There are plenty of opportunities in online job boards, agencies like Remote Staff, and even on social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn.

However, some Filipinos still struggle to close clients. Here are some tips to increase your chances of landing one.

Crafting an Effective Online Application

Crafting an effective online application is crucial for showcasing what you can offer to potential clients.

Follow these guidelines to write an effective online application:


Include Only Relevant Information

List only your qualifications, skills, and experience on your resume.

Yes, you may be good at tennis, but that doesn’t matter when applying for an online encoder job, for instance.

Concise and to the Point

Recruiters and potential clients receive multiple applications per day. What are the chances that they’ll read your lengthy resume?

Thus, a concise and straightforward resume boosts your chances of grabbing their attention. It’s even better if you can limit it to one page.

If you don’t know where to start, you can remove these unnecessary items to improve your resume.

Include Your Contact Details

Also, don’t forget to include your contact information. Some miss potential opportunities because their clients can’t get in touch.

Make sure you include your phone number, a professional email address (No please), and your social media accounts, if applicable.

Be Honest

Lastly, be honest in your application.

Make sure the skills and experiences listed in your application are accurate, as exaggerations or lies could harm your credibility.

Imagine saying you’re fluent in Chinese, but you only know basic Mandarin. You may get the job today, but you will be found out eventually.

In the worst case, the fallout can make you miss out on future remote job opportunities with other clients.

Tailoring your resume

Oftentimes, it’s not enough to send out generic resumes. You need to tailor-fit your CV to each application to increase your chances of landing the gig.

Analyze the job posting. What are the clients really looking for?

For example, let’s say it’s a social media management role for a pet supplies company. Most likely, they’ll want to increase their sales and grow their following.

Understand your client’s needs and demonstrate how you can meet these in your resume.

So you may want to highlight skills and relevant experiences, such as increased conversion rates, enhanced engagement, and higher follower counts from past clients.

If you’ve worked with a pet company or similar industry, that would make a good addition as well.

Moreover, you can follow this guide to write a compelling resume tailored to your potential clients.

Preparing your voice recording

Some companies and recruiters require a voice recording to gauge your English speaking skills.

To start, you can practice a scripted message and then record yourself reading it in a quiet environment. Make sure to use a professional tone and convey enthusiasm and confidence.

Once you finish recording, listen to it and make necessary changes, if any.

Preparing for Virtual Interviews

After applying, you might be invited for an interview before you can secure an online job. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your virtual interview:


Smiling in an online interview is a simple yet effective way to enhance your communication and project a confident and engaging image.

It creates a positive and friendly atmosphere, eases tension, and makes you appear approachable and enthusiastic, which is a plus for recruiters.

Actively Engage in Conversation

Actively engaging in conversation shows enthusiasm and effective communication skills. It builds a connection that can lead to a positive impression.

Listen Attentively to Interviewer’s Questions

Aside from actively conversing, you should listen attentively during interviews to demonstrate professionalism, respect, and genuine interest in the position.

This also ensures that you fully understand the questions, leading to more relevant and well-crafted responses.

Presenting your skills effectively in a remote setting

Now, how do you showcase your skills in your interview?

Start by clearly stating your relevant skills and experiences, using specific examples to highlight your achievements.

Additionally, customize your responses to showcase how your skills directly meet the remote position’s unique

Plus, make sure to highlight your ability to work independently, communicate effectively in virtual settings, and
showcase any relevant previous remote work experience.

Lastly, you can check the following tips to create winning pitches for potential clients to further enhance your

Embracing the Digital Workforce

With the tips above, you can now find online careers that match your skills, navigate the application process, and excel in virtual interviews.

So if you’re still looking for online jobs, you can sign up with Remote Staff for the best remote working opportunities for Filipinos.

Remote Staff can match you with long-term clients who need your expertise.

With continuous growth and adaptability (and our help), you can establish a thriving remote working career.

Register today!