Social media marketing is not a new idea. For some time now, it has been happening alongside the rise of social media platforms. By using these platforms, companies and businesses can reach a wider audience than using traditional marketing strategies.
Because of the current pandemic, social media marketing has become a prime means of promoting one’s business. With it, so did the increase of online social media marketer jobs and social media marketer hiring. After all, someone has to be tech and socially savvy to reach out and connect with social media users. The best part? A social media marketer can be a work from home job.
The focus of this article is why social media marketing isn’t just a temporary solution but a legitimate means of promoting one’s business. With these rapidly changing times, using social media as your marketing platform is a wise decision.
A Social Media Marketer Job is Safer Than A Traditional Marketer Job
As the pandemic continues to be an ever-present danger, traveling and staying in an office remains risky. With this, an online social media marketer’s job becomes an appealing prospect.
Being able to continue working in the safety of your home allow you to focus on your online job instead of your safety and transportation. With social media marketing, all you require are a gadget with access to the internet, a stable internet connection to spread your message, and access to your chosen social media site/s.
And if you ever need to contact your clients and team members, applications like google meet, skype, and zoom allow you to communicate with them without physical contact.
Online Businesses are Becoming More and More Common
Because it is both practical and safe to both employer and employee due to the pandemic, online businesses are now the norm. And with it comes the demand for work from home social media marketers. And with a minimum salary of 20,000 pesos for social media marketers, there’s bound to be a lot of aspiring applicants.
With businesses going online, so should their advertisements. It’s up to the social media marketer to produce appropriate advertisements for their company’s social media platforms.
Social Media Marketing Can Cover a Wider Audience
I think by now, almost everyone has access to one form of social media. Whether it’s you or your siblings spending most of your time online; or your older relatives trying to stay hip and up with the times, everyone knows of social media.
With this much audience, it’s a no-brainer that companies would want to go online to present their services to these people. Social media marketing allows companies to reach out from beyond their immediate areas and reach out to potential customers and clients. Proper social media marketing can lead to a surge in popularity for your business.
The Many Forms of Social Media Marketing
Sure, creativity has always been a hallmark of marketing. But with the advent of social media, marketers need to be even more creative than before. From memes to video presentations, social media marketing can take many forms. It is up to marketers to know which media is appropriate for their needs.
Successful marketers should be able to know current trends and events when making advertisements. Good examples of this are the Minute Burger’s anime-themed posts on Facebook and the Twitter posts of Wendy’s. On the flip side, poor advertisements can make your company into the internet’s laughingstock, so be careful about what you post.
The Variety of Social Media Platforms
Social media platforms are as varied as the people that use them. To better attract people, a company’s advertisements must suit the platform they’re advertising on. Facebook ads are different on Twitter and vice versa, and it’s up to the marketers to adjust their ads depending on the platform.
Further complicating things is that trends nowadays have only a few days of popularity before dropping below the radar. If you’re not attentive, your ads, both planned and published, may become dated and attract less attention than you hoped.
Welcome to the Virtual Age
Businesses are now finding the benefits of using social media platforms for advertisement. Not only is it safer, but it can also reach more people than more traditional methods of advertising. Social media is both a means to communicate with loved ones and a place to present your company to the public.
It is the job of the online social media marketer to properly advertise that the company’s services and products through social media. And this job is so important that social media marketing is sure to stay, especially after this pandemic.