With so many things to do, how can you make yourself more productive? Believe it or not, doing nothing can boost your output. It’s by practicing the Dutch concept of “Niksen.” Niksen: The Dutch Concept of Doing Nothing Before you leave, hear me out. Niksen literally translates to “to…
Ever thought of having a productive day but feel quite sleepy midway? Coffee or tea is the perfect caffeine boost you can use to be alert and energized. Caffeine was discovered in society in 3000 BC when the Chinese used tea in their culture. And the Arabians discovered coffee in…
Remote working gave us a lot of flexibility in our schedules. We can now manage our time to do work and activities that are more important such as a passion project or our family. But then, do you have instances where you can’t seem to finish all the tasks you…
Almost everyone has a mobile phone. I bet you also have one. No wonder because it’s a powerful tool that can do almost anything. Banking, photography, communication, online shopping, and even tracking your pet dog. As our needs evolve, more and more mobile applications are launched every day. And one…
Do you have enough sleep? As remote workers, we have relatively more time compared to our office working counterparts. But then, we might be faced with sleepless nights because of too much work we contracted. More time, more clients, right? Or maybe, we just can’t sleep with all the things…
As our remote working career prosper, we might want high-ticket items that we can’t afford with one-time payments. A nice house, a decent car, or maybe that business venture you’ve always wanted. But unfortunately, not everyone can buy a car or a house in cash. And for business, not everyone…
Ever wished why you have enough time per day? There are so many tasks, and you're left thinking about how to finish them. And finish them with utmost quality. Well, Deep work might be for you. In his book “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World,” Cal…
The purpose of most businesses is to profit. But how will you know if you don’t have financial records? That’s why bookkeepers are important in any business. And if you have the skill, it’s one of the best online jobs in the world. Accountant vs. Bookkeepers Are accountants the…
With the new normal, a stable internet connection is not a luxury anymore. It’s a necessity. You need it for your online classes, online jobs, and even virtual social gatherings. But with the Philippines, you are left to question, “how fast should your internet be?” That’s why the government contracted…
From remote work, online jobs, online classes to family bonding, Zoom is the go-to video conferencing tool for most people. Zoom has around 300 million daily users with 3.3 Trillion minutes as of date. It’s ingrained in our daily lives, especially in the new normal. What if you don’t know…