Besides the growing popularity of online jobs, another trend that has been happening in the business world lately is job-hopping. Job-hopping refers to changing careers in a short time instead of staying at a job for a long time. Although it’s been traditionally looked negatively on, many are now seeing…
Almost everyone wants to earn more money. An article by Time magazine entitled “A Crypto Game Promised to Lift Filipinos Out of Poverty. Here's What Happened Instead,” showed the dream. Back then, I was a believer. But now, believing in that dream through Axie is parked on the side for…
Rules are an essential part of life. They give our lives structure and guide us in the right direction. However, too much adherence to rules severely limits your opportunities to grow and broaden your horizons in life and work. Sometimes, you need to start breaking some rules to be the…
A significant reason employees remain in their jobs or leave them is the company culture they experience at work. Ideal company culture traits such as a welcoming community foster a sense of unity among employees and incentivize them to do their best daily. In contrast, negative company culture promotes toxicity…
Do you need to find a “how to” or specific information? Most likely, you can source the information through Google! Everything you need to know can probably be searched. Well, almost everything. It's a powerful tool alongside Google chrome with these plugins. As remote workers, we do have a lot…
Trying to raise concerns to your boss is not an easy task. No matter how valid your points are, you risk accidentally offending them or appearing like a downer to the rest of the team. However, if you don’t approach your boss with your concerns, how will they improve or…
Do you want to get an online job? I wished for one back in 2017 even before the pandemic started. I want to travel the world, not commute for over 4 hours a day. Right now, most individuals want a permanent work-from-home job. The online setup we experienced is slowly…
A negative stereotype of Filipinos is being late, or as we call it, having Filipino time. For those who don’t know, Filipino time means arriving 15, sometimes an hour, later than the agreed-upon time. This isn’t exclusive to ordinary Filipino workers; even Filipino employers are known to do this. With…
Remote working is a great equalizer. Your course or your past work history won’t matter as long as you have the skill to deliver the results. That’s why most families are keen to work from home today. Couples are now earning relatively more because you can juggle taking care of…
Before you ask, no, knowing the importance of spelling and grammar isn’t just essential for content writers or social media marketers. In a time when most office communication is through emails, messenger, or skype, being able to construct proper sentences is a must. Aside from this, here are the other…