Using credit cards has a lot of advantages. You can get perks such as freebies from points, installment options, and even use it to fund your other business transactions. As long as you avoid common credit card mistakes, this little piece of plastic can be a powerful financial tool. However,…
Looking to transition to a healthier lifestyle? Why not consider shifting to remote work? Selecting a healthy work setup can significantly affect your physical and mental well-being. According to a study, remote work can reduce psychological and physical stress. In fact, 77% of Mental Health America survey respondents said flexible…
No discussion regarding modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) would be complete without mentioning OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Many students and professionals today use this AI chatbot to help them solve problems and even generate essays. Thus, many are concerned that this might lead to ChatGPT replacing people in their jobs. However, these fears…
Job hopping often carries a negative connotation. For many recruiters, it indicates that a candidate might be disloyal and impatient. Frequent job changes also imply possible conflicts with one’s previous companies. But there could be more to it than meets the eye too. Here’s why job hopping can actually be…
We all know there are a lot of expenses you can save when you work remotely. Transportation expenses, food expenses, and the like. However, did you know that there are quite a number of unexpected costs you can reduce while working remotely? Curious? Here are 7 you can take advantage…
As remote work becomes the norm, many Filipinos are exploring digital nomad lifestyles outside Metro Manila. After all, why work in an office when you have the whole Philippines to explore? With just a laptop and a stable internet connection, you can earn a living from anywhere! The problem is,…
Emails and group messages are essential to online jobs. However, some employees and managers don’t know these online communication dos and don’ts. They send messages late, write unclear subject lines, or send messages to their boss or employees outside work hours. If you’re part of this group, here are some…
You might not think much about it but potentially, social media can damage your career. All it takes is a simple search on any search engine or social networking site to find out everything you’ve said and made public. To avoid damaging your chances of getting a remote job, here…
Remote work presents the regular Filipino with a lot of options. With it, you can earn a decent income while having more time for your family or passion projects. That’s why some parents opt to work from home to earn a living while taking care of their children. However, there…
Remote working has opened a lot of doors for Filipinos. Now, you can earn a decent income online with more time flexibility and location independence. You also won't need to spend as much on transportation, clothing, and food. But with freelancing, income can be unstable. Sometimes, it can feel like…