Huh? What do you mean? Isn’t a remote work setup already more humane by default? Well, perhaps. However, these are different times. The covid-19 pandemic has upended our lives in more ways than one. For one, the enhanced quarantine still feels like house arrest even for those of us who…
The enhanced community quarantine put a halt on daily life. Now, it’s hard to receive payments and do banking without going outside your house. How can you ask for payments for services? How do you receive cash from people today? Here are some simple online banking services you can use. …
Have you ever worked on a final paper or thesis for school? If so, you probably had multiple versions of it saved on your computer, right? We’re talking “Thesis-FinalCopy.doc,” “Thesis-FinalRevisedCopy.doc,” “Thesis-FINALFinalRevisedCopy1.doc,” “Thesis-PromiseFinalNaToCopy.doc,” and so on. In some ways, the quarantine announcements sound like your thesis files. First, they declared a…
“You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other.” The Joker, The Dark Knight (2008).…
As I write this, we are currently on Day 4 of enhanced community quarantine. Since there were announcements prior to its enactment, several people flocked to the groceries and loaded up on supplies beforehand. Still, we have no way of knowing just how long this situation will last. The rise…
Do you remember that viral BBC interview where a little girl and her baby brother barged in on their dad’s interview? Their father, Professor Robert Kelly, was in the midst of talking about political tensions in Korea when it happened, and you could see that he was trying so hard…
If you need further proof that CoViD-19 is well and truly here in the Philippines, the 16th of March ought to suffice. Why? Well, for the first time in (my) living memory, several churches were canceling public Masses and *gasp!* inviting the faithful to take part in them online instead.…
(Last Updated: March 26, 2020, 2:03PM) The “Enhanced community quarantine” severely affected businesses and transportation. Right now, there is no public transportation available and establishments are closed until further notice. Some Filipinos are left struggling with cash flow. With bills still ongoing, how do they pay? And if ever…