Last week, we talked about how proper time tracking actually benefits remote workers. Granted, a good time tracker can definitely lead to better productivity and peace of mind for both parties. However, many remain reluctant to engage in remote working due to concerns over installing time tracking software on their…
Let’s say you’ve landed your first remote working job. First of all, congratulations! After all, that is why you’re following this blog or are on this website, right? Well done. Now, let’s talk about one of the most important tools in a remote worker’s arsenal: an online bank account. It’s…
As of this writing, we are into the fifth week of the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ). By my count, it feels like we’re into fifth month. Honestly, at this point, it probably feels like all the rules have gone out the window. I’ve seen memes on my feed dividing the…
One of the biggest advantages of working from home is that you get healthier and cheaper meals. You can cook your own food instead of ordering in from fast food restaurants, after all. However, an accompanying disadvantage is that you actually have to go out and buy your own ingredients…
Most of us here are familiar with how time trackers benefit remote clients and employers. And most of us are or were reluctant to install them on our devices too. But what if I told you that a time tracker could end up benefiting you as much as it does…
By the time this is published, the Luzon-wide quarantine will have been extended until 30 April. Let’s all have a moment of silence (and a collective groan). There’s no doubt that this will take a toll on everyone. At this point, boredom is nothing compared to the imminent threats of…
There’s this article that referred to the mandatory coronavirus quarantine as the world’s largest work-from-home experiment. If that’s so, then Zoom is arguably one of its biggest beneficiaries. Overnight, the videoconferencing platform became THE place to be. With millions forced to stay home, Zoom has emerged as the go-to service…
One of the biggest clichés about people who work from home or remotely is that we do so in our pajamas. Ha! I wish. Okay, there are some who can and do actually work in their pj’s. Heck, one of my colleagues ‘fessed up to only showering at night and…
Note: This article was last updated on Mar 21, 2022. A few days ago, I came across one of the most devastating sights to grace a remote worker’s eyes. *gasp!* A delayed paycheck? An empty inbox?? Close, but no. Instead, I saw a red light blinking atop the words “LOS”…
They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, or something like that. So, if you’re reading this, you’ve probably decided to begin your remote staff journey by signing up on our platform. Yey! (And if you haven’t signed up yet, here’s the link. You’re welcome.) Now,…