Our kids need to study to have a fighting chance for their future. How can you do that if it’s unsafe to go out? Do you choose between their safety or their future?
Or, if it’s safe already, can you teach your children effectively in your homes? I mean, we can work-from-home. Why can’t our children do it as well?

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Homeschooling is the Answer!
You actually can with homeschooling! As the name itself, homeschooling allows you to teach your children at home. Homeschooling is not only an option now. But it might be a safer one due to the pandemic. We don’t know when this will end.
But even if there is no pandemic, there is merit to homeschooling. It comes with numerous advantages. Here are some:

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100% Focus to Your Kids
Not everyone learns the same. Some children are more auditory. Some are more visual. With a group of students pooled together, how can each one get the attention they deserve for optimal learning?
In fact, there’s a study that correlates the teacher-to-student ratio to the performance of their children. They found that the higher the ratio (meaning, the more students a teacher handles), the lower their achievements.
In homeschooling, you have the ideal ratio, because it’s just you and your kids.

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Customized Learning
On top of focus, you can also customize the lesson plan for your kids.
Some lessons might be too hard for them. If they were studying in a typical setup, the lesson would just fly by before they even understand it. If they miss some foundational lessons, they would have a hard time when they grow up.
On the other hand, your kids will be good at something. You want to cultivate that further by introducing supplemental lessons. Most regular teachers can’t give special lessons for your kid just because s/he is good at it.
What if they are interested in something that is not part of the curriculum? Let’s say robotics? Can you ask a school to give them lessons for it? I don’t think so.
With homeschooling, you can now customize their learning. If they are having a hard time with specific topics, you can extend the time or find a different approach for their studies. If they have strengths you want to improve further, you have the option to introduce additional education as well.
You have the time flexibility to control the pacing for optimal learning!

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Closer Relationships
Another factor is how close a teacher is to their students. The emotional attachment dramatically affects the behavior of their students. If they are continuously encouraged, praised, and let their students foster a belief in themselves, they can grow with confidence in their abilities.
And this is inherent in every parent. We want the best for our kids. So we instinctively practice these uplifting actions. When combined with homeschooling, you are assured to give the best emotional response to your kids.
To boot, you can also cultivate strong bonds with them further.
Disadvantages of Homeschooling
Homeschooling might be beneficial, but it also has disadvantages.

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Even though we’re working remotely, time is still a valuable resource. You need to invest time to homeschool your children. You need to understand what they are learning to properly teach them the information.
But this can be remedied by incorporating homeschooling as family time. You can bond with your kids even if you’re teaching them.
Also, in case you are busy or have problems explaining, there are excellent video materials that you can leverage to teach them. Free options like Khan Academy offer highly understandable lessons for your children.
Also, there are classes you can purchase like those from Outschool.com, where there are instructors teaching your kids as well.

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When you homeschool, your kids don’t have anyone else to study with. How can they grow their socialization skills?
Well, socialization is not only in our schools. There are also communities we can tap to build social connections. Some can be Facebook groups of like-minded parents. Some might be in your nearby neighborhood as well. Here are some Facebook groups you might want to check.
Make it a point to meet them (like a friendly family lunch) and let your children collaborate and make friends in the process.

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Lack of Facilities
Some lessons need equipment like science experiments, sports classes, etc. Do you buy equipment for the sake of the lessons? Well, it depends.
But you can just outsource to rentals or paid classes. This might be an extra cost, but this can be a good compromise for all the benefits you are getting from homeschooling.

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What To Do For Higher Learning?
You can only teach so much. How do you re-introduce your kids to educational institutions like colleges?
In the Philippines, we have the Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT). The PEPT gauges and validates the academic competence of an individual. If they pass, they can re-enter the educational system with the certification.
This test allows homeschooling to be a viable method for your child’s academic path.

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How to Homeschool Your Children?
There are two paths to homeschooling. It’s either you follow the program of a DepED Accredited Home School or create the homeschool program yourself.
For the DepED Accredited Home Schools, you are sure that your kids are up-to-date with the current curriculum needed for students. Although, this will cost you money. Here are some of the accredited schools:
- B.U.I.L.D. Up Christian School
- Catholic Filipino Academy
- Child’s Home Educational Center
- Chosen Homeschool
- Gopala Learning Haven
- Homeschool Global
- Kairos Homeschool Academy
- Living Learning Homeschool
- Peniel Integrated Christian Academy
- School of Tomorrow Philippines
- Sts. Paul & Mark School
- The Learning Place Homeschool
- VCIS Homeschool
- Victorious Homeschool
The other method is learning through numerous free homeschool resources. This option can be cost-effective, but it’s more time-consuming. You have to prepare your own tests. You have to be updated with the current standards.
If you have time, you can do this. Otherwise, just stick with the DepED accredited ones.
Homeschooling might be a growing trend today. It’s a feasible option, especially with the new normal. For what it’s worth, it might even be more beneficial in the long run.
So try out homeschooling and secure the future of your kids while at home! Cheers!