Learning how to budget your monthly salary can be tricky. Especially with the increasing prices in the Philippines, we often have to compromise. But why should we need to budget…
Because of the country’s recent economic challenges, some Filipinos now hold more than one job. These side hustles enable them to make ends meet and further hone their skills. But…
Budgeting is hard. Oftentimes, it can be discouraging, especially if you find that you have too little money by the end of it. However, no matter how “little” you think…
Each new year often revitalizes our energy to either start or be better at something. As such, it’s often the best time to review our finances and see where we…
Thanks to the growing prevalence of remote working, many people who had difficulty finding work now have more opportunities open to them. One great example is how many online job…
So, you have decided that the next step in your professional growth is to switch careers. And you now want to be a remote worker after working full-time in an…
When you have experienced numerous job interviews, there is one question that most hiring managers ask towards the end. “Do you have any questions?” It seems harmless. However, simply answering…
Okay, so you have done your part. You have submitted your resume, cleared the initial interviews, and successfully received a job offer. Except the salary was not what you were…
One of the most nerve-racking moments in life is waiting for a response to a job application. There’s no way to know whether you got the job or not. Often,…
Whether in an office or via an online job, work is an essential part of many adult’s life. Without it, how can you support yourself? For many, their work is…