Covid 19 has permanently changed our lives. Items such as face masks and face shields have become a part of our daily attire. Some of us had to adjust to working from home, while others lost their only jobs. And, regrettably, some of us even lost loved ones due to Covid.
With all that has happened, it is understandable to feel stressed and anxious these days. But we shouldn’t let these feelings turn to despair and apathy. Although Covid has taken many things from us, many more remain. These things that remain are the focus of this article. Here, I will discuss the five reasons why you should be thankful despite the onset of Covid.
You’re still Alive Today.
Let us start with what is perhaps the thing that we always take for granted: our lives. We are so used to going to bed and waking up that the thought of not doing so hasn’t really entered our minds. But the threat of Covid changed that. I’m not saying this to scare you. Quite the contrary, in fact.
Covid gives us the chance to take a step back and appreciate the gift of life and the boundless possibilities that go with it. When you die, all of these opportunities cease to exist. Be thankful for this opportunity by living in the present instead of worrying about the future.
Your Family and Loved Ones.
Another reason you should be thankful is that your family and loved ones are still with you. I don’t want to sound morbid again, but Covid reminds us that they won’t be here forever. Don’t forget to show your love and support to them, especially during these difficult times, in any way you can.
If you don’t know what activities to do with your family and loved ones, these articles can help you. Even the simple act of asking them about their day or telling them that you’re there for them is more than enough. If you’re not vocal in showing your appreciation, try writing a letter or help around the house instead.
Having a Job.
I think having a job is one of the main reasons we’re all still thankful these days. As the country continues to remain under lockdown, finding a traditional job has become very difficult. Fortunately, the pandemic has also shown the viability of working from home as well. Because of this, many former office-based workers, and even PWDs, are shifting to a remote work setup.
With remote work, Filipino workers can continue working while remaining safe from the threat of Covid. Additionally, this setup gives you more time to rest before going to work, as you don’t need to commute anymore.
The Opportunity to Rest.
And speaking of rest, having more time to rest is another reason to be thankful for despite the pandemic. Before the pandemic, most of our day consists of waking up early, hopefully eating breakfast, commuting, working, commuting, and then going to sleep. This tight schedule, combined with helping around the house, leaves not much time for rest and recreation.
But now, with the pandemic showing no signs of stopping anytime soon, you suddenly have plenty of free time. And because going out is very risky for you and your family, you can spend this free time resting instead. Doing this allows you to refresh and re-energize yourself so you can work more productively. While still having enough strength to help around the house.
Being Able to Eat Three Meals a Day.
And the last reason why you should remain thankful despite the effects of Covid is you’re still able to eat three meals a day. Yes, even something as simple as eating is something to be thankful for these days. A combination of lack of employment and the continued lockdown has left many Filipinos in hunger these past few months.
Not only does eating help you keep your strength for work, but it also helps resist infection from Covid as well. But there is such a thing as being too grateful for food. Overeating can also lead to health issues such as heart problems and obesity. Take it easy with what you eat, and be sure to eat balanced meals.
Falling Down and Getting Back Up
Covid 19 has been a massive blow to all of us; there are no two ways about it. We’ve all lost something precious to us this past year and a half. But there are still many things to be thankful for, despite our losses. I hope that this article helps you better appreciate the important things you still have right now.