One challenging aspect of working, whether in the office or through online jobs, for introverts is socializing with their co-workers. I know what you’re thinking: “But don’t you interact with them every day for work?” True. But we don’t have much choice on that matter now, do we? Unless we don’t want to accomplish our work, of course.
Bonding with your co-workers is another matter. Aside from being nerve-wracking, interacting with your co-workers outside of work is also stressful. That doesn’t mean you don’t want to talk to them. You’re just concerned you won’t fit in the conversation or accidentally offend them.
However, if you want to succeed at your work, you will need a professional relationship with your co-workers. But how would you do that if you’re not comfortable around them? To help you with this, here are five tips that you can follow to help you socialize with your co-workers.
Get Out of Your Shell From Time to Time.
The best way to start making friends with your co-workers is to go out and hang out with them from time to time. Since you’re working remotely, the best way to do this is through online meetings via skype or zoom. These meetings are a great way to know what your co-workers are like outside of work, as they’re more casual here than while working.
One good opportunity to come out of your shell is the annual company trip. This trip is the perfect opportunity to relax and forget about work while casually interacting with your co-workers.
Of course, if you’re not comfortable just yet, there’s no need to force yourself to go to these events. But don’t remain stagnant either. Find the right balance between going out with your co-workers and your “me” time, so you can recharge from work and socialize with your co-workers.
If You’re Already Feeling Exhausted, Apologize and Leave.
So, you’re socializing with your co-workers now. Congratulations. But what’s this? You already feel drained from all the socializing you have done. Before you feel bad, remember that this is perfectly normal and understandable. Introverts are known to rapidly get tired from socializing with others, particularly in large groups of people.
When this happens, the best course of action is to excuse yourself from your co-workers so you can get some rest. Exhausting yourself will only bring you more problems for little to no benefit. By taking care of yourself, you can be sure that there’ll be more times you can bond with your co-workers.
Be Kind and Courteous to Your Co-workers.
If you want your co-workers to socialize with you, you must show you’re friendly in turn. Nobody wants to hang out with a jerk, after all. You don’t need to be buddy-buddy with them if you’re not comfortable doing so. Just remember to follow the golden rule, and you should do fine.
That said, also remember that you can’t please everyone. No matter how civil you act with these co-workers, they’ll always find something to dislike about you. When you meet co-workers like these, it is wise to simply leave them be. But if you are required to interact with them, be sure to remain professional with them at all times.
Normalize Saying “No” to Your Co-workers.
Once you’ve gotten accustomed to hanging out with your co-workers, you may develop an unhealthy mindset of needing to be present every time. I know that feeling too. You don’t want to miss anything, so you force yourself to go out with them, even though you’d much prefer to be resting.
Look, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to socialize with your co-workers. But if you’re burning yourself out to do so, you may want to take a break instead. To do so, remember that saying no is an option. Don’t let peer pressure force you to overwork yourself; there’s always a next time to meet up with your co-workers.
Find Your Own Small Circle of Friends at Work.
When it comes to friendships, having many isn’t always good, particularly if you’re introverted. Sometimes, it’s better to have a smaller group of friends you’re comfortable with; rather than trying to make friends with everyone at work.
This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t make large groups of friends. What I mean is, keeping a smaller circle of friends is more manageable than a larger one. Of course, if you want to expand your circle, by all means. But if you’re starting out in forming bonds with your co-workers, start small first. Then expand it when you feel ready to do so.
There Is No “I” in Team.
Having good relations with your co-workers can make, or break, your career. Because face it, no matter how good you are, you will still need help from others to accomplish your work. But this could be challenging if you are an introvert.
Fortunately, here are five easy ways you can bond with your co-workers despite being an introvert. With these, I hope that you’ll now have an easier time hanging out with your co-workers.